Inheritance of a Land

For generations we have been concerned about manufacturing the best of our land: quality products and know-how

"The poor man’s meat"

That’s how legumes in general used to be known, since the nutritional benefits and properties of legumes are better than those of animal protein. The main nutrients supplied by legumes are carbohydrates, fiber and minerals. Camporel brings you a wide range of plain legumes selected at the point of origin.

Plain Legume

Plain beans "Pochas"

720 -370 ml

Plain Lentils

720 -370 ml

Plain Chickpeas

720 -370 ml

Plain Bean "Fesols"

720-370 ml

Plain Green Peas

445 ml

Plain legume
without additives

Cooked Legume

Beans Cooked (vegan)

Beans cooked
whith "chorizo"

Beans cooked 
whith Quail

Chick peas with "chorizo"

Chick peas with Spinach